Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The hypocrisy of James Dobson

Who is James Dobson to speak out about anyone's opinion of god? He didn't speak out when Ted Haggard came out as a drug taking homosexual. Why do we give these guys so much power? The religious right needs to step back and reassess its leadership. I do not have a problem with religion, even as an atheist, but I do have a problem with these jokers faking outrage at an Obama or Rev. Wright while they do not condemn the Jerry Farwells or Pat Robertsons of the world. They are hypocrits, an unbelievable drain on our society. Focus on the Family is a lie. It is all about Focus on the Family is all about focusing on the kind of family Dobson wants you to have in his image. I will add more to this post later but below are a video from the Daily Show and a website against Dobson.



Here is a good oped piece out of the Washington Post on this subject:



If you go to the link below you will read an article from a magazine called 5280 from Denver which will show you that James Dobson has turned Jesus into a great lifestyle. Didn't Jesus throw the market out of his father's church? I wonder how he would look at James Dobson? Dobson was an avid support of Ted Haggard(who turned out to be either gay or bisexual and a drug addict while cheating on his wife), his own son is divorced(which isn't a big deal but goes against everything that Dobson preaches). Here is an sample of the article written by Eileen Wellsome, "nothing is more important in America than abortion, tyrannical judges, sexual abstinence, the morning-after pill, condoms, stem cell research, school prayer, billionaire George Soros, The Da Vinci Code, the Krispy Kreme in Indiana that wouldn’t give a free doughnut to the kid who got an “A” in Bible class, or thwarting domestic partnership referendums and attempts to legalize same-sex marriage."


Here is a link to Media Matters showing Dobson taking the politically all-right position in support of Mark Foley and his teen page sex scandal blaming the kids not the adults, reminding you that this involved boys and an adult male:


Why doesn't James Dobson stand up against the Larry Craigs, David Vitters, or Mark Foleys of the world because it does not help him politically nor will it help him make money of the Lord.

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