Drill here drill now crowd needs to wake up. This is a bunch of politicians trying to peddle simple answers without a real solution. Sean Hannity and Newt Gringrich don't have a clue what they are talking about. If you are curious what I am talking about then this is the link below:
What will this do for America and helping us at the gas pump? Nothing that is what. They want us to believe that if we start drilling everywhere that the prices will go down immediately. How will this happen? Will the oil companies instantly find where the oil is located, will the oil companies instantly place oil platforms off the coast? what about drilling in ANWAR? Will they instantly find away to transport the oil out of the area without leaving a huge footprint. How long will it take to hit the market? By most estimated 7 to 10 years with an undisclosed amount of oil. In an article that I will link from Cnn.com, a Bush official says that there is no method to predict the amount of oil that will be produced. So how the hell are Newt and Sean telling us that there will be a couple million barrels a day from the coastline, ANWAR and other protected areas. How do they know that we have the worlds largest oil supply that scares the middle eastern countries but those damn hippies/liberal America hating democrats won't let us touch it. Where is their proof? If you want to give the already insanely rich oil companies the right to turn our country into one big oil field, give me proof. Do not shower me with threats and fear mongering then expect me to believe you. I want evidence, I want facts not BS from people with a social agenda. These same people told us for years that there was no energy crisis, liberals were making it up to hurt our economy, to push a liberal/greenie/america hating agenda. Jimmy Carter was an idiot for saying that we needed an alternative to foreign oil. Stupid liberals, I hate when they are right. The reason for mentioning Democrats in the rant from the last sentence is that they are just as bad as the right. Gore and Clinton had eight years, two with solid Democratic control of the government to make a difference and they didn't do anything. Al Gore, Mr. Environmental, did not push any legislation. The most he did was to sign a promise note to the Kyoto Treaty. The far left elitist Obama democrats were right about the economy just like they were right about the Iraq War, we need a change.
Here is an interesting article from Cnn.com with another perspective to our Oil companies, Bush adminstration and the far rights agenda:
Bush also urged Americans to pressure Congress to allow more oil exploration in the United States.
"We can help alleviate shortages by drilling for oil and gas in our own country, something I've been advocating ever since I've been the president. I've been reminding our people that we can do so in environmentally friendly ways," he said. "And yet the Congress, the Democratically controlled Congress now has refused to budge. It makes no sense."
Why didnt he do this from 2000 through 2006 when the Repubs controlled Congress. Or why didnt he use his self proclaimed "Political Capital" after the 2004 election? Because it is a bad idea, it will not make us independent from foreign oil, it will not effect prices. I realize Bush is playing politics but that takes balls to blame the Dems for something that he never acted on. Bush was the person who could not even believe it when a reporter asked him about $4 gasoline. Bush thought that would never happen, it was news to him. Now he is claiming that the Dems are at fault. How bad does one President have to be?
Lets change the conversation and demand that oil companies use there current resources before we give them more. Lets demand proof that this will help with oil prices now. Lets demand that oil be taken off the stock exchange and stop allowing traders to gamble with all of our lives. Finally and most importantly, lets demand the same patriotism from big corporations that we demand of our politicians and citizens.
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